
Children aged between 5 and 17 are the key clients.

Keelin is accredited as a supervisor with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, and accordingly offers professional supervision.


An initial consultation or interview will be arranged to determine the child's issues and to get a thorough medical and psychosocial history. A plan for service including fee structure will be formulated collaboratively at this interview.


During all appointments informal observations of the child's behaviour are made. As part of the ASD clinic more extensive observations are required, such as at home and / or at school.


Standardised tools of assessment will be administered to assess different cognitive skills such as attention, memory, etc. Scores can determine 'objectively' if problems in thinking abilities are caused by neurological compromise or 'normal' weaknesses. A profile of cognitive strengths and weaknesses will result. Assessments of attention difficulties, intellectual disability, specific academic skills or memory, for example are offered. Tests are pencil and paper tasks, puzzles and question answer format.

Online questionnaires may be used. Functional assessment requires a lengthy interview to complete the questionnaire.


An appointment where the results of formal testing are discussed.


The report is a structured document typically including such components as relevant psychosocial history, history of presenting issues, present condition, test results, opinion and intervention recommendations. It is a thoroughly researched document ideally compiled of current opinions from any specialists working with the child.

Focussed Psychological Strategies

Focussed Psychological Strategies (Psycho-education, problem solving skills - training and parent management skills and ideas about behaviour management) are offered. This will be tailored to the client according to their specific neuropsychological needs.